Singer’s Symposium: Performer’s Guide to Metamorphosis

On Sunday, November 20th, from 2:00 to 3:30 pm, Nikki Blackmer, lead of Frenzy Quartet and director of A Cappella Joy Chorus in Washington State, and Åsa Bergh Fagerström, musical director of The EntertainMen and Alba Show Chorus in Sweden, will be joining Debra Lynn to share tools, tips and wisdom on the transformational journey to higher level performance results.

As singers, our perceived barriers to desired personal success are often due to vocal production issues, our ability to connect our voices with visual communication skills and even emotional challenges that seem to thwart our progress. In this Symposium event, each panelist will present three steps to breakthrough, ways in which we can jumpstart and inspire our continued growth and development within the world of competitive a cappella singing.

This will be an intimate interactive event, where participants will be able to directly communicate with any of our three presenters, in order to get specific questions and issues addressed. Come join us for what will be a magical experience of breakthrough moments. We all are on unique journeys towards achieving our heart’s desire. As we come together to share our various challenges and receive positive solutions from our panel, we will inspire the change within us, that will illuminate and activate heightened results in the performance arena.

Hosted by Debra Lynn
Pay the registration fee that you can afford with our sliding scale structure of $10/$20/$30 USD.
Early Bird pricing available until Nov 1st.
Not available for this class? No problem: All registrants will receive the class video within one week of the event.


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